Eat, Shop, Bowl
Estimated Value: $135
Donor: Rockin K's, Manhattan
Lot Description: Lively restaurant with patio and private parties available. Best ingredients with a great atmosphere!
- $25 gift card, no expiration date
Donor: Target
Lot Description: There is something for everyone at Target!
- $25 gift card, no expiration, any location
Donor: Early Edition, Manhattan
Lot Description: Locally owned breakfast, brunch, and lunch.
- $25 gift card, no expiration
Donor: Little Apple Lanes, Manhattan
Lot Description:
- Family 4 Pack
- 1 game + shoes, up to 4 people
- Expires 2/19/2022
Donor: Tommy's Express Car Wash, any location
Lot Description: Excellent reviews!
- (1) Free month of unlimited car wash services
- "The Works," their top package
Pick-Up Location:
Front door of Riley County Grade School
117 N. Remmele St.
Riley, Kansas
Payment Information:
- Payment of cash or check will need to be made directly to the Riley County PTO.
- Payment by credit card will be made on, 3% processing fee will be applied.
- Items must be picked up and paid for on
- Saturday, May 1st from 10 am to 2 pm at the Riley County Grade School
- Sunday, May 2nd from 10 am to 2 pm at the Riley County Grade School
For More Information:
Janeil Sullivan |
Morgan Keller |
Lori Rogge - Gavel Roads |
There are no bids for the lot at this time
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